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The Seedling Room

The Seedling Room is dedicated to the younger children, from 6 months to 24/30 months old. It has a range of age-appropriate resources and activities that are catered for the children's individual needs. 

The ratio in the Seedling Room is 1 early years educator to 3 children. We can accommodate up to 12 children at any time.

We also have a sleep area that is safe and secure. We used gentle lighting to help create a calm and relaxed environment.

The Sunflower Room

The Sunflower Room is for our older children.

It caters for 24 children and operates a ratio of 1 Early Years Educator for 4 children aged 2. As well as this, 1 Early Years Educator for 8 children aged 3 years and above.

We have a separate sleeping area should your child require a sleep during the day. 


All of our staff work hard to provide the best start for the children, working with the parents/carers to ensure the transition from home to nursery is as close to the child's routine as possible.

Through observations we will plan activities that will help the children develop new skills based on the 7 areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage.

We utilise both the indoor and outdoor environment, so that, weather permitting the children can access free flow play.


We have a secure outside play area, which has an all-weather echo-mulch safety play surface, a bark covered digging area, sensory flower planters, a decked area, new fun age appropriate play equipment and a covered area to provide shade/shelter

Children have a wide range of toys and educational equipment to play with, that provides marvellous opportunities for all aspects of educational play

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